Dahmer Carols

Jeffrey Dahmer used to spice up his holidays tunes with new lyrics. Here they are...

Silent Night

Silent night, hungry night
Oven is warm, gas alight,
Round young baby cleansed of it's bile
Tasty infant so tender and mild
Bake in spicy parsley,
at four-fifty degrees.

The Little Yummer Boy

Add in Pa Yum Yum Yum Yum appropriately.

Come they told me
Our new born king to feast
Our finest knives we bring
Today we eat the king
So to flavor him
When we come

I am a poor boy too
I have no knife to bring
That's fit to slice our king
Shall I eat of you
Every crumb

Mary joined in
The Sox and the child with tyme
I ate his drumstick thin
I was no longer thin.
Then he smiled at me
Me and my tum

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